
Documentation is an important part of software development, but it can also hinder development if it is not used properly. In the past, during an internship at Philips, I was told to stop documenting and just start building. This documentation was required according to the SDM system development methodology. We are talking about 1996, and it was already clear to me then that it is important to involve the customer as early as possible in the system to be built. This can be done by creating a prototype (POC). This is also a good way to determine if all the wishes/requirements of the customer are possible. Nowadays, this is called Agile.

Agile is a collective term for a number of software development methodologies that originated in the 1990s. Agile methodologies are based on an iterative and incremental approach, in which the system is developed in short sprints. The key principles of Agile are:
Simple: The system should be as simple as possible..
Communication: Communication between different team members is essential.
Feedback: Customer feedback is important to improve the system.
Working together: The team must collaborate to build the system.

Prototype: Or, to be more precise, a Proof of Concept (POC)
A prototype is an early version of a system that is used to evaluate the customer’s needs and requirements. Prototypes can be created using a variety of techniques, such as paper or digital sketches, wireframes, or working prototypes.

There are many different types of documentation that can be used in software development. The most common types of documentation are:

  • System architecture document: This document describes the design of the system.